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A guide to student accommodations

We believe education should be accessible to everyone. If you have a temporary health issue or permanent disability, we have services to help meet your needs.

A guide to student accommodations

Aliquam nec neque orci. Suspendisse ut ante viverra, cursus neque fermentum, pellentesque ante.

A guide to student accommodations

We believe education should be accessible to everyone. If you have a temporary health issue or permanent disability, we have services to help meet your needs.


推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜在所有大学推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜和活动中为合格的残疾学生提供合理的便利,并努力保持学生教育经历的各个方面. 该大学致力于确保所有人都能平等地获得信息. 我们努力创造一个环境,让残疾人士也能获得同样的信息, 与非残疾人进行同样的互动,享受同样的服务, and be able to do so in an equally effective manner, with substantially equivalent ease of use.

How do I know if I need accommodations?

住宿的设计是为了提供学习活动和推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜. 如果学生有暂时或长期的健康/医疗状况或其他影响其完成推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜能力的情况,他们可以根据要求提供这些服务. Some situations in which you may need to request accommodations include:

  • Needing more time to complete course work
  • Having difficulty reading and understanding text
  • Finding it challenging to organize your thoughts and complete assignments
  • 需要额外的支持来平衡你的诊断症状和大学水平的工作要求


You may be able to receive accommodations for temporary health situations, including (but not limited to) a broken bone, 手术并发症, 紧急住院治疗, treatment for temporary health conditions or pregnancy complications.


You may be able to receive accommodations for permanent health situations, including (but not limited to) deafness, 失明, 低视力, 学习障碍, 慢性疾病, 癌症, 纤维肌痛症, emotional or mental health issues, treatment for debilitating illnesses or recovered drug or alcohol abuse, 言语障碍, spinal cord or traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic stress disorder or ADD/ADHD, 等. 

What accommodations could I receive?

住宿是根据你的诊断和你的学习方法的影响来决定的. A specialist will review options with you, which may include:

  • Extended time to complete assignments
  • Occasional calls with faculty to ask questions or clarify course content
  • 沟通 access like captions or interpreters for in person meetings 
  • Alternatively formatted print materials

How do I apply for accommodations?





Send in medical documentation



Discuss and agree on accommodations





Other questions students are asking

When students request accommodations, they establish a relationship with the Student Accommodation Office. 结果是, 残疾学生不仅可以在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜中获得合理的便利,还可以获得住宿专家团队的帮助,他们可以在大学的整个学习过程中提供指导和帮助. 我们的专家是残疾服务专业人士,他们了解诊断如何影响学生和他们的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜,并可以提供策略和资源, in addition to accommodations, 帮助学生减轻残疾对学业的影响,完成学业.

可以是. 暂时的急性医疗状况通常会影响学生完成与学习有关的主要生活活动的能力,并使学生有资格在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜中获得住宿. 请与学生住宿办公室联系,讨论您的情况并要求住宿.

是的, 你必须与学生住宿办公室合作,在你的推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜中获得个人住宿.

在线推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜可以消除许多残疾学生在接受传统推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜时可能遇到的障碍, 坐在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜, but they can also present new barriers for students. 在线推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的节奏可能会有所不同,因此需要不同的住宿要求. 对一些学生来说, 在线学习可能更具挑战性,因为与传统的面对面推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜相比,它需要与书面内容进行更多的互动. SAO可以帮助残疾学生了解在线推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜是什么样的,并帮助他们决定是否需要申请便利.

SAO的工作人员需要了解您的诊断及其对您的影响,以确定您在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜中可能需要的住宿. 我们需要了解哪些与学习相关的生活活动受到了你的诊断的影响. 尽可能多地分享你的诊断信息以及它是如何影响你的,这对你很有帮助, 所以我们的工作人员可以为你推荐适合你的住宿.

SAO以外的教职员工只需要知道您在大学履行与工作相关的职责时获得的住宿. 像这样, 你不应该期望他们会在谈话中问其他关于你的诊断或它如何影响你的问题. 如果发生这种情况, 你可以告诉他们你不需要回答这个问题,并向SAO咨询有关交互的问题. 我们在这里帮助和支持您解决与您的残疾有关的任何困难.

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